Apr 16Liked by Eli Horne

Great breakdown of ideas you’ve taken and made your own! Is there a particular format you like to use for your Snippets? Doing a weekly reflection sounds beneficial for all sorts of reasons and I want to give it a go.

This also made me think of a saying I heard and said many times in the classroom: “The best teachers are thieves.” Looking for what works and then adapting it for ourselves is useful in almost any context!

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16Author

The format I use currently (adapted over time) has two blocks:

- what happened this week

- what's happening next week

Within those, I sometimes add additional topics. "what happened this week" also includes "highlights" (what went well), "lowlights" (what could have gone better) and "spotlight" (somebody that went above and beyond). This enables me to celebrate wins, get assistance on things that aren't hitting the mark, and celebrate people who are exhibiting behavior I want to model for the organization.

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